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Serving God

About Us

Free at Last ministry offers these individuals support and counseling to help them return to society, invites them to learn about their Savior, and encourages them and their families to receive all the blessings of a relationship with Jesus Christ and other fellow believers in one of our local congregations.


Our Mission

We are committed to fulfill what our Lord Jesus commissioned His Church to do.
(Matthew 28:18-20).  By the power of His Spirit, we will “make disciples of all nations” by baptizing in the name of our True God and by teaching all that Jesus has instructed. We are witnesses to those in our immediate community and to all the ends of the world until He comes in all His glory to gather all who believe in Him to live with Him in heaven eternally.


Free at last Ministries lives the gospel by fostering partnerships which bring Church resources and community resources, to individuals, recognizing the needs of the whole person.



• We value that Christ is the center of all we do.
• We value our unique LCMS identity.
• We value the dignity and respect of everyone.
• We value creativity and new approaches to reach those who do not know Christ.

156 Opportunities abound for our SWDLCMS
chaplains to minister to individuals who
are ready to start a new life in Christ
after incarceration.

Our chaplains need your help for this important ministry to continue. Your158 prayers and financial support, together with God’s blessing, will provide them with the means to turn these earthly ties into eternal life with the Savior of all people.